sobre nosotros

Who Are We?​

About us

The National Institute for Advanced Scientific Research in Information and Communication Technologies (INDICATIC), is an association of public interest (AIP) with legal status duly registered and recognized that begins operations on October 4, 2019.

The National Institute for Advanced Scientific Research in Information and Communication Technologies, INDICATIC AIPwas proposed with similar expectations to the development demonstrated by INDICASAT AIP in the biosciences area. INDICASAT AIP en el área de biociencias.

The legal nature of the institution is to be a legal instrument that gives administrative and financial viability to the development of R&D activities in high Information and Communication Technology.


About us

INDICATIC AIP as a research center focuses mainly on technological development and research for applied purposes, but without excluding the possibilities of basic research projects, technological improvements and situation analysis.

The strategy envisaged for INDICATIC AIP is to recruit national and international talent for initial leadership, based on researchers with proven international track records, to foster the autonomy of the laboratory, but also its connection to the National Science, Technology, and Innovation Plan, and to introduce an incentive plus accountability scheme that promotes excellence of international caliber.

Sobre nosotros INDICATIC AIP

Transformation and development of the country

INDICATIC AIP also serves to provide interested talent with the opportunity to train and collaborate with high-level specialists. The knowledge generated by INDICATIC AIP will help the development of Panamanian society and the productive transformation of the country by fostering the creation of innovative and competitive knowledge companies.

The National Institute for Advanced Scientific Research in Information and Communication Technologies has a legal basis based on Article 39 of the Political Constitution of the Republic of Panama, Articles 64 and 69 of the Civil Code, Law 38 of July 31, 2000, Law 19 of May 3, 2010, amended by Law 70 of November 24, 2015, Law 39 of August 8, 2018, and its regulations included in Executive Law No. 225 of December 28, 2018.

Mision y Vision INDICATIC AIP

Mission and vision

About us

Our Goals

About us

General Objective

INDICATIC AIP is constituted as a Public Interest Association, whose main objective is to bring Panama closer to the frontier of Science, Technology, and Innovation in the area of Information and Communication Technology (ICT).

Nuestros Objetivos INDICATIC AIP

Specific objectives

  • To recruit high performance and quality researchers and technologists to perform cutting-edge research and development (R&D) work at INDICATIC AIP.

  • To develop knowledge, advanced technology, and appropriate technology.

  • To create an enabling environment for cutting-edge research and development (R&D).

  • Contribute to the development of a country's R&D agenda.

  • To open an agile space for the insertion or reinsertion of high-quality talent and productivity in research and development (R&D).

  • To help train high-level human resources in areas related to information and communication technologies.

  • Support the productive transformation of the country by participating in the creation of an environment that fosters the creation of more innovative and competitive knowledge-based companies.

  • To acquire informed criteria on emerging technologies.

  • Contribute to disseminate the most important aspects of technological possibilities.

Board of Directors

About us

The Board of Directors of the Public Interest Association INDICATIC AIP is formed by the National Secretariat of Science, Technology, and Innovation (Senacyt), Technological University of Panama (UTP), City of Knowledge Foundation (FCDS), Panamanian Chamber of Information Technology, Innovation and Telecommunications (CAPATEC) and the National Authority for Government Innovation (AIG).

Dr. Eduardo Ortega Barría
National Secretary of Science, Technology and Innovation
Dr. Omar Aizpurúa
Technological University of Panama
Prof. Jorge R. Arosemena R.
City of Knowledge Foundation
Lic. José Cuervo
Panamanian Chamber of Information Technology, Innovation and Telecommunications
Lic. Luis Oliva
National Authority for Government Innovation
Dr. Philippe Aniorté
National Institute for Advanced Scientific Research in Information and Communication Technologies

Organizational structure

About us
estructura temp


About us

Decreto ejecutivo N.º 26

Que modifica el Decreto Ejecutivo N.º 265 de 28 de diciembre de 2018, que reglamenta la Ley 3 9 de 8 de agosto de 2018, que regula la creación de las asociaciones de interés público

Ley 39 de agosto del 2018

El objetivo de esta ley es regular la creación de las asociaciones de interés público

Ley 39 de agosto del 2018

El objetivo de esta ley es regular la creación de las asociaciones de interés público


About us
Dr. Philippe Aniorté
Dr. Agustín Guerra
Dr. José Robles

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